Hunting Area
We provide multiple prime locations for hunting an assortment of waterfowl. Duck hunts will take place over flooded timber or in duck impoundments. If you are in the search for some Sea Ducks you can try our ocean front property located in the Pamlico Sound.
The Waterfowl
With North Carolina being one of the natural migratory routes; you are sure to see plenty of ducks. We offer a wide variety from Mallards, Wood Duck, Black Duck, Green-winged Teal, Blue-winged teal, Cinnamon Teal and many more.
If you are more interested in the Sea Ducks; you can find Surf, Black and White-winged Scoters, along with Long-tailed ducks just to name a few.

Your Hunt
Standard duck hunts run from October through January and Sea Duck hunts run from November to January. Depending on your choice you will either hunt from blinds overlooking flooded timber or duck impoundments or from our boat within the Pamlico Sound.
Common Gauge
We suggest you bring what you are comfortable with; 20, 12 or 10 gauge.
Common Species
Ducks: Wood Ducks, Mallard, Teal (Blue, Green & Cinnamon), Black Duck, Hooded Merganser, Bufflehead, Pintail and Sea Ducks
Geese: Canadian and Snow
North Carolina holds a season for Teal and Mergansers separate from General Duck season. For more information see the NC Wildlife Resource Commission website.
Next Steps…
Check availability of dates and book your hunt. Contact Us